Women, Fight back! Honoring Women activists worldwide - IIRE-Manila

Women, Fight back!

Four women from different generations, contexts and in different fields and battles with the same commitment for Human Rights, Democracy, Environment, JustPeace and the elimination of all forms of exploitation and oppression.

They are just a few of the many women activists worldwide that have offered their lives for liberation of the oppressed and the exploited in various forms and fields.

Marijke Cole
On Sunday 16, April 2023 Marijke Colle passed away at the age of seventy-five. A staunch feminist-socialist, Marijke devoted herself to various movements for many years and remained politically active until the end. Her dedication, intellect and zeal made her a role model for many others.

Marielle Franco
38 years’ old. Assassinated on March 14, 2018 evening along with her Press Secretary (driver) Anderson Gomes. Everything indicates that Marielle was assassinated in order to silence her and bring to a halt her struggle in defence of the rights of favela inhabitants, women, black people, and the LGBT+ community; that is, of the exploited and debased working class.

Josing “Jo” Demit-Manandil
Josing “JO” Demit was an activist awakened in the mass movement until she has become a leader in the women’s movement, rural poor and other social movement formations in Mindanao.
Her fight for a just society has brought her to the struggles of the grassroots tri-people for Ancestral Domain, Right to Self-Determination, food sovereignty, environment, human rights and social justice.
She was a brave soul and defender of the exploited, a cadre for women’s rights. She’s a thoughtful colleague and a loving and caring mother of four.
Whole-heartedly perform her tasks. Truly, an Inspiration!
She died on January 26, 2019 to a serious illness.

Ma Kyal Sin
Angel, whose real name was Ma Kyal Sin, died after she was shot in the head in the city of Mandalay on March 3 (2021), during a demonstration against the military coup that forced Myanmar’s elected government from power.
Wearing a T-shirt with the slogan “Everything will be OK,” the 19-year-old quickly became a symbol of the country’s deadly fight for democracy – her image carried high on signs at protests and in artwork shared online.

You may read some articles about them:

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=823149543176389&set=a.468538185304195
